
How Existing Technology Can Support a Safe Return to Work



十大网赌靠谱网址平台人重返工作岗位, keeping employees safe won’t be solved by handing out keycards — it will involve keeping an endless number of surfaces sanitized, 限制一个空间内的人数, 检查居住者的健康状况, 把感染者挡在办公室外面, and tracking close contacts should occupant be diagnosed as infected.

Seems daunting, but property owners and operators shouldn’t feel too overwhelmed. 虽然他们可能不知道, many already have the tools and systems necessary to protect tenants, 或者帮助房客保护自己, 随着建筑重新开放.

“It’s not so much about reinventing 安全 systems as it is about enhancing and reframing them, integrating technology and new protocols to create a more secure environment,托德·伯纳说, chief product officer at managed 安全 provider Kastle Systems, a leading national 安全 operator based that has a large Chicago presence.

castle最近推出了KastleSafeSpaces, an integrated plan to safeguard the health of office workers at tenant-level or property-wide. Though the system can leverage new hardware like thermal scanners, it largely relies on existing access control devices and smartphones, making it convenient to implement across commercial properties, 燃烧器说.

因为他们的技术已经在3,600幢楼宇及41幢,遍布47个州的000家企业, the members of the Kastle team are hoping KastleSafeSpaces will promote a universal standard of coronavirus preparedness for the built environment.

“不可能每个业主都这样, 租户和占用者为他们自己,卡斯尔十大网赌靠谱网址平台业务总经理说, 安德里亚·库恩. “We are all in the business of public health now to protect each other’s lives and help Chicago get back to work.”

Download the full KastleSafeSpaces plan to show tenants how to safely return to the workplace using access control athttp://info.security.kastle.com/tenant-safe-workplace-return

The KastleSafeSpaces 安全 solution outlines four major transformations to keep office workers safe:

1. 无触觉的一切

To make sure that building occupants keep their hands as clean as possible, touchless controls will become standard throughout buildings. 多年来, Kastle customers nationwide have used their KastlePresence mobile app to scan in, 免提的, 经过他们大楼里的旋转门. 现在, 燃烧器说, Kastle is extending that same technology to enable wireless, 无触点开门, 电梯, 安全卡读卡器, 访客亭和停车票自动售货机.

2. 屏蔽进,屏蔽出

The heart of building 安全 is the ability to test and identify occupants and visitors who are safe to enter and screen out those who are not. Kuhn said that building lobbies will start to resemble airports, 设有测试站, 检查队列, 加速车道, 指定值机时间和自助值机亭. Making these processes run efficiently is critical for avoiding lobby crowding, so Kastle has already launched a pre-screening app in KastlePresence that enables the process to occur on a smartphone before entering the building. All these tests integrate with existing access control systems to only activate the access credentials of those who are virus-free and deactivate those individuals presenting with symptoms or known to be infected.

But there will be other types of testing that evolve depending on the sort of space and emerging medical guidance, 燃烧器说. While an organization might begin with app-enabled screening like KastlePresence, 他们可能很快就会增加体温检查, wide-range thermal imaging or even direct viral or antibody testing once it becomes available. Access control will simply need to adapt and integrate accordingly with these varying screening methods.

3. 接触者追踪

Public health officials agree that one of the best ways to combat the spread of the coronavirus is through contact tracing — tracking who came into contact with people who later learn they were infected. By running access control systems continuously for buildings, 地板, 办公套房或公共区域, Kastle can monitor traffic and determine which building occupants were in close contact with one another over any relevant time period. By adding intelligent video surveillance, 燃烧器说, the process can be refined even further.

“如果有人随后检测出COVID-19呈阳性, people who had been in the same spaces as the infected employee simultaneously can easily and quickly be informed through the Kastle app,库恩说.

4. 社会距离

New signage and floor markings can only do so much — KastleSafeSpaces will use data and technology to supplement physical reminders to reinforce social distancing. Building owners can alert occupants of staggered arrival times to keep lobbies clear of crowds and enforce visitor restrictions. 使用卡斯尔数据, owners will also be able to see real-time occupancy density, 如果人群聚集,提醒房客. These digital capabilities will complement physical changes like checkpoints and safety stations outside of 电梯, 办公套房和其他公共区域.

"As much thought needs to go into planning for how people get back to work in offices as to when they should start doing so,卡斯尔首席执行官哈尼埃尔·林恩说. “一个全面的, 技术智能的安全方法, safety and public health can provide the right on-ramp for businesses and the economy to take off.”

Download the full KastleSafeSpaces plan to show tenants how to safely return to the workplace using access control athttp://info.security.kastle.com/tenant-safe-workplace-return.

For more information, contact 安德里亚·库恩, Kastle Systems General Manager of Chicago Operations, at akuhn@kastle.com or (312) 296-6631.